Wednesday, February 1, 2017


SUBJECT MATTER: This track is about me as an artist.
I march to the beat of a different drummer. If you don't like it, that's fine but don't abuse or disrespect me because of it!
MUSICALLY: Starts off with some sexy jazz sax then morphs into a house/dance beat. Jazz fused with club music.


SUBJECT MATTER: Title track of the album - it references a promiscuous, gold digging type woman from the past but also references Jonsona's persona and image with a jazz music background.
MUSICALLY: Full jazz with sax and fast tempo


SUBJECT MATTER: Song about a recent encounter with someone who could possible be a love interest but ended in frustration as it ALWAYS does.
Love and relationships in Jonsona's life has never worked out so the song is about both of these experiences plus my anger over it - "I'm not going to sing a torch song for you" because... you suck, basically - lol :)
MUSICALLY: Full jazz again, slower tempo with a "torch song" feel and some quirky flute loops.


SUBJECT MATTER: This song is about well, sex - and why it exists, why people want it, why it's kind of gross in a way and on and on - it's a quirky lil' ditty!
MUSICALLY: A fast tempo swing beat with some club undertones and electronic swing woman singer loops.


SUBJECT MATTER: This track is about Jonsona's frustration over being a massively ignored and under appreciated artist and a longing to be accepted and treated like an "a list-er" but then accepting that the most important aspect of doing the art is the "doing" of it, ignored or not.
MUSICALLY: Jazz tones and drums but morphs back and forth into a semi club tone with heavy bass line.


SUBJECT MATTER: Appreciating a calmer and quieter life, but still having a longing for the big city.
Also a reference to Chicago (a city that I adore) and all of its current problems.
MUSICALLY: Full dance music but with a slight cartoon-y jazz undertone with heavy bass line.


SUBJECT MATTER: Blues inspired with a depiction of a blues singer who has a big heart but is also a bit nasty and raw. Another quirky tune on the Trollop album.
MUSICALLY: Full blues loops with blues guitar loops and piano loops - kind of boogie woogie esque.


SUBJECT MATTER: This is the 'state of the world" song with just a hint of politics - and a reference to me still paying attention but not concentrating on all of the negative full time. Just "a tune" about the world.
MUSICALLY: Quirky drums with an orchestral string bass line and some flow-y tones


SUBJECT MATTER: Jonsona's constant struggle with the war of masculine and feminine within.
MUSICALLY: World or middle eastern percussion surrounded by a club beat with heavy bass line.


SUBJECT MATTER: Another cat death. Our beloved Rocky passed away a day before my 43rd birthday. He had a loving soul but was also a punk ass bitch too. He was a bit of a hellion but we adored him and a tribute song was in order - added to the track list at the last minute, on the Trollop album.
MUSICALLY: Musically, I wanted something that kind of described the kind of entity and soul Rocky was. That combo of sweet but temperamental so there is a basic rock drum loop with a semi hard rock guitar loop but then goes into a dramatic classical music type loop with lots of violin and strings - just kind of organized chaos back and forth until a simple single violin ending.